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How to Start a Crypto Startup: 10 Steps to Your Cryptocurrency Company

How to Start a Crypto Startup: 10 Steps to Your Cryptocurrency Company


Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology are reshaping how we interact, transact, and invest. The fundamental mechanics underlying blockchain have the capacity to revolutionize various industries. At present, it is a relatively new and unexplored frontier. However, many companies already recognize the advantages of immutable, distributed registers.


At first look, creating a cryptocurrency project may appear straightforward. Still, scaling it and its future successful promotion can present significant challenges. Primarily, you should gain an understanding of the crypto market needs and define your niche. For example, you can create a crypto mining startup or NFT trading platform, launch your cryptocurrency or crypto exchange startup. The options are very diverse. 


It is also essential to find the right team to implement your ideas, test your idea with early users, raise funds, and other aspects.


Keep reading to discover how to initiate a blockchain startup and create a thriving business. So, let’s dive into the subject.


10 main steps to create your crypto startup

Below, we will consider the top 10 general steps to kickstart your crypto startup successfully:


1. Conduct market research

Initiating your crypto startup begins with a deep dive into market research. Why do most startups fail? Due to the poor market research. The CB insights analytics platform has proved this state. Below, you can see their statistics.

The market research phase represents a fundamental cornerstone that lays the groundwork for the entire trajectory of your venture. It's not merely a cursory glance but a deep and immersive exploration of the multifaceted cryptocurrency landscape. There, every facet holds valuable insights waiting to be unveiled.


In this critical stage, your mission is to navigate the vast expanse of the crypto domain, deciphering its intricate and ever-evolving trends. The ability to pinpoint both potential opportunities and looming challenges is paramount. These insights will act as the compass guiding your strategic decisions.


Comprehensive market research extends beyond a mere survey of the terrain; it encompasses a comprehensive approach. This includes conducting a meticulous analysis of your competitors and comprehending the nuanced demands and preferences of the user base. And, perhaps most importantly, identifying the subtle yet significant gaps that exist within the market.


Imagine that understanding your competitors is akin to understanding the chessboard upon which your startup will play. It allows you to anticipate their moves, discover their strengths and weaknesses, and ultimately, position your venture strategically to gain a competitive edge.


Furthermore, discovering the user demands is a key aspect. It involves not only understanding what users desire but also delving into the pain points they experience in the current cryptocurrency landscape. Addressing these pain points becomes a unique selling proposition for your startup. 


2. Define your startup's identity

Determining the identity of your startup entails creating a unique portrait encompassing its mission, values, and distinctive selling points (DSPs), which sets itself apart within the market. 


The three aspects we have mentioned below are what you need to give priority to distinguish your startup’s identity.


The option between new or existing blockchain

At the outset, you confront a pivotal decision - whether to create a blockchain from scratch or leverage an existing one. Creating a novel blockchain empowers you with customization possibilities but demands substantial development resources and time. Conversely, forking an existing blockchain can expedite your startup's journey but may impose certain limitations on adaptability.


The choice between a public and private blockchain

The path diverges as you deliberate between a public blockchain and a private one. A public blockchain beckons with its transparency and decentralization. These characteristics make it ideal for projects targeting openness and inclusivity. Conversely, a private blockchain bestows greater control and privacy. This makes it suitable for specific enterprise solutions or scenarios where stringent access control is mandated.


Selecting a consensus mechanism

The consensus mechanism is the heartbeat of your blockchain. So, it warrants meticulous consideration. There are many mechanisms, from the energy-intensive proof of work (PoW) to the energy-efficient proof of stake (PoS), the nimble delegated proof of stake (DPoS), and the trusted proof of authority (PoA). Your choice here aligns with your blockchain's goals and intended use cases.


Below, you can watch an informative video that explains the pros and cons of each consensus algorithm. 




3. Choose the brightest platform

When it comes to platform selection, exercise discernment. Factors like usability, scalability, security, and the robustness of the community support ecosystem should guide your decision. Notable platforms such as Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Polkadot offer an array of development tools, an established user base, and a thriving ecosystem. 


Platforms such as Ethereum, distinguished for its smart contract capabilities, Binance Smart Chain with its economical transaction fees, and Polkadot's interoperability features have emerged as trailblazers in the crypto domain. These platforms extend a rich array of development tools, encompass an established user base, and preside over a flourishing ecosystem. 




Choosing among these prominent contenders can streamline your developmental trajectory and augment the prospects of user adoption. You can also consider Solana, Cardano, Tron, and other platforms. 


In summation, the platform you opt for will exert a profound influence on the development's ease and the ability to allure and retain users. 


Additionally, keep in mind that the blockchain space is dynamic, and new developments and platforms continue to emerge, so staying informed about the latest trends and technologies is crucial for startup success.

4. Find the right team

The success of your startup hinges on the skills of your team. To build one of the best startup crypto projects, seek out talents such as proficient developers, blockchain experts, and legal advisors. Consider integrating with specialized development firms like Peiko, rewarded by well-known review platforms like Clutch


With our technical expertise, robust security measures, and keen understanding of regulatory compliance, we can enhance your project's prospects for triumph.

5. Review the stages of development

Distinct development phases punctuate your journey to launch. What does it include?


1. Installation and setup

In this initial phase, you embark on the journey of implementing blockchain and smart contract concepts into your project. This involves the installation and configuration of various tools that streamline the utilization of blockchain technology, making it more accessible and adaptable for your specific project needs. This stage lays the foundation for the creation of a startup crypto project. 


2. Granting access

At this phase, you gain the capability to generate cryptographic keys, which serve as digital access passes. These keys enable specific users to interact with your blockchain-based service and application. The act of granting access empowers you to control and manage who can participate in your blockchain ecosystem.

3. Creating a blockchain

The pivotal decision arises: to create a brand-new blockchain from the ground up or to "instantiate" an existing one by entering its initial configuration data. This step marks the birth of your blockchain, determining its core attributes, consensus mechanisms, and governance structures. It's the fundamental blueprint upon which your blockchain project will be built. 


4. Developing smart contracts (for some projects)

With the foundation laid, you now have the capacity to craft smart contracts. These digital agreements have the remarkable ability to set initial values and subsequently retrieve and manipulate data on the blockchain. The creation of contracts represents a pivotal aspect of blockchain development, enabling automation and trust in various processes.


5. Crafting an application

This stage is about translating your crypto startup ideas into code. The blockchain development services company embarks on the process of developing an app that interacts seamlessly with the blockchain you've established. Your app will serve as the user interface, allowing users to engage with the blockchain's functionalities. This step merges the worlds of code and blockchain, bringing your project to life.


Collaboration with your team, for example, with Peiko, ensures the seamless progression through these stages. Regular reviews and agile adjustments are imperative to steer your project toward its envisioned milestones.


6. Validate your MVP

The subsequent crucial milestone in your journey toward establishing a crypto startup revolves around creating the minimum viable product (MVP). This represents the first version of your venture, meticulously crafted to encompass only the fundamental core features essential for delivering tangible value to your user base. 


The MVP serves as a tangible manifestation of your vision, an embodiment of the ideas and innovation you wish to bring to the crypto world.


During this pivotal phase, it becomes paramount to seek out and engage with early adopters who are willing to immerse themselves in the essence of your MVP. These early users become the first witnesses to your project's potential. In turn, their interactions hold the key to refining and fortifying your offering.


So, pay close attention to their experiences and main pain points, and eagerly embrace their suggestions. The feedback loop you establish here is akin to fine-tuning the instrument of your startup. Make necessary refinements based on this validation process, enhancing the usability, functionality, and overall user experience of your MVP.

7. Plan for scalability

While your MVP forms the cornerstone of your startup, forward-thinking planning is essential for scalability. Your cryptocurrency or blockchain project should be ready to accommodate surging user demand. Also, it should serve escalated transaction volumes and the expanding network. 


Scalability planning encompasses a myriad of strategies. They include optimizing your codebase, adopting efficient consensus mechanisms, and exploring layer-2 solutions like sidechains, state channels, plasma, and rollups. These layer-2 solutions are approaches designed to tackle the persistent issues of scalability and performance within the realm of blockchain technology. 


We recommend you watch a video that explains what these layer-2 solutions are. 



The goal is to ensure that your system stands ready to accommodate future growth without compromising on security or performance.


8. Review all funding options

Funding often emerges as the linchpin of a crypto startup's success. Cast a wide net as you explore various funding options. 


Among the crypto startup funding ways, you can consider venture capital firms (Andreessen Horowitz (a16z)), angel investors (Roger Ver, Barry Silbert), and specialized crowdfunding platforms (CoinList, SeedInvest) tailored to cryptocurrency projects. 


These sources and people not only provide funding but also deliver valuable insights and expertise to propel your crypto startup forward. Firms can propose crypto startup accelerator programs. For example, there is the Crypto Startup School program by a16z. It is intended to help startup builders, offering them mentorships and lectures. 


Despite the extended period of what is commonly referred to as the "crypto winter," 2022 emerged as a groundbreaking year for cryptocurrency venture capital (VC) investment. It achieved unprecedented milestones, with a total capital injection of $26.2 billion and a record-setting 2,541 deals, as revealed by data from Pitchbook.


The momentum continues unabated as in 2023, with an astonishing $1.4 billion poured into the sector in just January and February 2023, according to the Coinstack report. This figure underscores the evolving and maturing nature of the cryptocurrency sector and suggests a high level of involvement from institutional players.

In addition to traditional methods, the modern crypto space offers innovative funding mechanisms that imply crypto startup promised riches for users. These are initial coin offerings (ICOs), initial exchange offerings (IEOs), security token offerings (STOs), and initial DEX offerings (IDOs).
  • ICOs enable you to raise capital by issuing crypto startup coins with intrinsic value within your project's ecosystem.
  • STOs, on the other hand, represent a regulated alternative, granting investors legal rights while adhering to financial regulations.
  • IEOs entail the allocation of new cryptocurrency tokens to a specific group of investors or a more extensive audience. A notable feature of the IEO process is that exchange platforms undertake thorough due diligence, conducting many assessments before initiating the sales.
  • IDOs are cryptocurrency offerings that occur on a decentralized exchange (DEX). This is also a community-driven approach to fundraising, leveraging the security and trust inherent in blockchain technology.
The selection among these options depends on the nature of your project and its alignment with regulatory requirements.

Each funding option comes with its unique set of advantages and considerations. Careful evaluation and strategic decision-making are essential, as they can significantly influence your crypto startup's path to success.

9. Build a strong marketing strategy

A meticulously crafted marketing strategy serves as your startup's beacon in the competitive crypto realm. By the way, many projects in the world of blockchain skyrocketed based only on marketing. 


Start by clearly determining your target group and crafting messaging that resonates with their specific needs and pain points. You should create a multi-faceted marketing approach. It spans social media outreach, content marketing, active community engagement, and strategic partnerships with influencers or other blockchain projects. 


Consider hosting educational webinars, conducting AMAs (Ask Me Anything sessions), and actively participating in industry events to establish both brand visibility and credibility. 


A robust marketing strategy not only attracts users and investors but also nurtures trust in your project. Here are just some of the benefits of the proper marketing strategy:


10. Embrace opportunities and networking a lot

Networking serves as the cornerstone of triumph in the crypto ecosystem. Immerse yourself actively within the crypto community, partake in blockchain conferences, share your crypto startup ideas, and use forums and social media. It is essential to forge robust connections with industry experts, developers, potential investors, and prospective collaborators. 


The strength of social bonds can open doors to invaluable opportunities, potential partnerships, and critical insights. Be receptive to avenues for collaboration, joint ventures, and active involvement in the broader ecosystem. Thus, you will extend the reach and influence of your crypto startup.


Each of these 10 steps weaves an integral thread in the tapestry of launching your crypto startup. Consider them, and your crypto project will stand poised for triumph in the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies.

Benefits to build your crypto startup in 2024

As we venture into the year 2024, the cryptocurrency arena holds promise for several compelling reasons. Let’s discover them. 


Broad acceptance

By 2024, cryptocurrencies are expected to gain even broader acceptance, reaching a more diverse array of individuals and businesses. This expanding user base offers crypto startup companies a substantial and varied audience to engage and serve.

New horizons in innovation

The cryptocurrency sector has long been known for its dynamic innovation. In 2024, this spirit of innovation is set to reach new heights. Emerging technologies such as DeFi (decentralized finance) and NFTs (non-fungible tokens) will have matured, offering fresh and enticing opportunities for entrepreneurial ventures willing to explore new horizons.

Accessible crypto startup funding

In the context of growing interest in cryptocurrencies, funding opportunities are anticipated to become more accessible. Venture capitalists, angel investors, and specialized crowdfunding platforms geared towards crypto projects are expected to provide a wealth of financial resources, allowing startups to pursue their visions with greater ease.

Global reach

Cryptocurrencies, by their nature, transcend geographical boundaries. This inherent characteristic empowers startups to have a global presence from the outset, offering their services and solutions to a worldwide audience.

Diverse applications

Beyond traditional finance, cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology are finding applications in diverse sectors such as healthcare, supply chain management, and the gaming industry. This diversification of use cases broadens the spectrum of opportunities for startups.

Crucial tips for young crypro founders

As you embark on your journey as a crypto entrepreneur, consider the following essential guidance:
  1. Commit to continuous learning about blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies, and the ever-evolving industry landscape. Engaging in conferences, participating in webinars, and enrolling in online courses will keep you well-informed and prepared for the dynamic crypto space.
  2. Forge meaningful connections within the crypto community. Engage with experts, participate actively in relevant forums, and attend meetups to build a valuable network of like-minded individuals who can offer insights, support, and collaboration opportunities.
  3. Comprehensive market research is pivotal. Identify emerging trends, pinpoint market gaps, and analyze potential competitors. A profound understanding of your target audience's needs will be instrumental in shaping your product or service offering.
  4. Security should be a primary focus. Ensure robust security measures are in place, spanning from wallet management to smart contract development. The cryptocurrency realm is fraught with potential security challenges, making vigilance crucial.
  5. Stay well-informed regarding the regulatory landscape in your region. Compliance with applicable regulations and laws is paramount. Seek legal counsel when necessary to navigate the evolving regulatory environment effectively.
  6. A user-centric approach is vital to attracting and retaining customers. Strive to create a seamless, user-friendly experience, considering the inherent complexity of cryptocurrencies.
  7. Be ready to adapt and iterate based on the evolving market landscape and user feedback. Flexibility and adaptability are prized attributes in an industry characterized by quick change.
  8. It is vital to choose the right developers with proven experience and qualifications to bring your project to life.

Peiko's expertise in crypto startups building

It is known that the project's future success depends on the chosen company. Skilled blockchain developers are akin to precious gems. They are as such scarce and often costly to acquire. But there's always a solution to any challenge.


Peiko is a reliable blockchain custom software development services company with a wealth of experience and expertise in the crypto startup ecosystem. Our team of skilled developers, deeply versed in blockchain technology, provides technical proficiency that can elevate your project.


We specialize in tailoring custom software development solutions to meet the unique requirements of crypto startups. Whether it involves creating a chatbot, crypto currency exchange development, crafting decentralized applications (dApps), or many other services, Peiko can provide customized solutions to suit your vision.


For example, we developed a trusted cryptocurrency exchange, Quan2um. This project is intended for buying and selling popular coins, including Bitcoin and altcoins. Users can also make investments in the platform's own coin, BTCA, for passive income. The platform aimed to provide real-time market tracking, maintain price stability, ensure market liquidity, and prioritize user fund security. 


The Peiko team implemented a matching system for trading between users and a referral program to attract new users. This means offering bonuses to existing customers who refer friends. Finally, the site was indexed by search engines for better visibility.


It is vital to note that Quan2um prioritizes security to meet European standards. Security is of paramount importance to Peiko. Our company maintains a rigorous approach to security throughout every stage of development, safeguarding your project against potential threats and vulnerabilities.


In addition to technical development, Peiko offers strategic guidance, helping you define your startup's roadmap and strategic positioning within the market. Besides, Peiko’s support extends beyond the technical realm to provide holistic assistance for your crypto venture.

The bottom line

In conclusion, venturing into the world of crypto startups is an exhilarating and potentially rewarding endeavor. As we've explored throughout this article, the path to success in this rapidly evolving landscape requires a combination of knowledge, innovation, and adaptability. 


Starting a crypto startup is quite an intricate task, but for people willing to take the leap, the possibilities are limitless. Moreover, you have the potential not only to succeed but also to form the future of finance and technology. 

The world of crypto startups awaits your innovation and determination. Embrace the challenge, and may your crypto startup journey be as rewarding as it is transformative. You should know that you can always rely on us to implement your crypto startup ideas. So, feel free to contact us to discuss your project.

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Max Privalov
Product Manager and Senior BDM at Peiko
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