
Daleel — petroleum industry community platform

Сommunity platform for oil refining industry companies that combines a blog, forum, and encyclopedia.
Israel / Oman
Our role
Web Development
Project duration
03.2018 - 01.2019
Type of work
Time & Material


Daleel Petroleum is one of the leading oil producers in Oman. Daleel, in Arabic, means ‘Guide’. One of the company's goals is to become a guide in the world of oil production, maximize its potential and grow further. Inspired by this idea Daleel decided to create a unique portal — a platform that can bring together not only its employees but also other companies in the industry to exchange experience and knowledge.

Tech Stack
Number of sprints
Tasks and challenges

What we had to do

  • Carry out the market/industry analysis, get a list of requirements and develop project documentation
  • Create a platform with a personal dashboard for companies and users
  • Set up a redirect from the old site to the corresponding pages/sections of the new one
  • SEO optimization

We were challenged with the development of a platform with robust web application architecture that should transparently provide information on the company’s ratings, enable users to leave feedback, as well as recommendations.

Also, there should be an ability to monitor both the categories on the website and the companies' data separately, to track information about competitors in different countries.

It was necessary to create a blog/forum for experts in the industry. The peculiarity of the task was that the forum should contain elements of gamification.



What was done

For this project, we choose the high-performance PHP Yii2.0 framework to create a content management system and the React front-end framework to develop the user interface. It allowed us to divide the areas of responsibility among the development team and reduce the amount of time spent on the project.

The well-developed UI/UX of the platform makes it easy-to-use and user-friendly, despite the complex structure of the website. For example, the site has a fairly sophisticated multi-level filtering, which allows the user to find the necessary information. Turn to us if you also need a mobile-first design for your solution or PWA development for crypto.

When creating a forum for industry workers, an activity module was developed. It accrues points to users automatically. Based on the forum and also the entire site data analysis, this complex system assigns users the 'beginner\expert' levels.

  • Technical task
  • UI/UX interface design
  • User interface optimization
  • An administrative panel to work with content
  • CRM system to manage user requests and content
What the client got


We’ve developed a well-arranged and efficient structure for the oil industry knowledge hab. There are features that allow all companies/users to register on the platform, add information, discuss all the most pressing issues and relevant technologies, new approaches in the industry.

The website serves as a community where visitors can exchange valuable experience and discuss new technologies. It is also a rating agency for all registered users and companies.

Moreover, it is a marketplace for services and a place to upload portfolios for completed projects in various fields of the oil refinement industry.

Technical Scope
100 hours
15 hours
Project Development
700 hours
100 hours
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